I knew I had a gift when it came to really listening to people and motivating them to create a plan that would make their dreams come true.
Like you, I have had great, motivational bosses. I have also had those bosses I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to have.
My journey began when I was working in sales for a Fortune 50 company and had the opportunity to participate in an outward bound program that focused on team building.
Now to be honest, I didn’t care much for the activities that involved jumping off poles and crawling through ropes courses. This was mainly due to my fear of heights. Thankfully leadership coaching doesn’t require me to be off of the ground. Thank goodness!!
The part I LOVED was the small group work led by an industrial organizational psychologist.
I found my calling!!!
So, I quit my job and went back to school to get my Ph.D. in Social Psychology with a focus in Leadership.
My passion is to coach other bosses on what it means to be a great leader in his or her business.
Coaching them on how to get the most out of themselves and their employees, learn how to communicate their expectations so they are understood and how to think more strategically so they look beyond today but rather 3-5 years out in the business.
After coaching for 10 years,
I have helped managers
and business owners
think more strategically
and use their team
to develop plans
to achieve multimillions
in new business!
One client brought in
$32 million
in new business
and another $100 million
in assets under management!
Can you identify with wanting these same revenue goals for your business?
It takes a savvy boss that knows where his or her time should be spent and how to get the most out of the team.
Dr. Heather was instrumental in helping us move to the next level of our
business. She led us all to our common goals. Her program is amazing and we
can’t thank you enough!Wendy Taylor & Sally Peace,
Advance Techniques Premier Hair loss Studio
Dr. Heather certainly knows her stuff in regards to time management!
I received so many tools to straighten my butt out quick! And I must say, the results have been amazing for me! I have implemented her suggestions and now focus on getting the most important tasks done first. And as a result: happier me, more clients and less stress.
Working with Heather will help you find clarity on the tasks that matter most in your business while being able to delegate (or even ignore) the others! And I’m all for reducing the amount of busy-work in my life!
Emyrald Sinclaire,
Love & Relationship Coach
Are you ready to take the step to make this YOUR reality?
I truly believe that every boss has the ability, if they are open to accept coaching.
When you are open to receive guidance and feedback to become an extraordinary boss, positive outcomes will happen.
Explore how to work together 1:1!